Compassion's useful tips and information
5 Ways to Stay Health & Well this Winter
Wash your hands. Most viruses and illness are transmitted when you rub your nose, mouth, or eyes with contaminated hands. Wash well and often.
Sneeze into your elbow and not in your hands. If you feel the sniffles coming, sneeze into the inside of your elbow rather than your hand. This way your not spreading germs with your hands.
Stay hydrated and well nourished. Poor nutrition and inadequate hydration can weaken your immune system and leave you prone to illness. Drink lots of water and clear fluids. Try to eat fresh whole foods to keep up your strength.
Get Vaccinated. Flu shots and shingles vaccines can help buffer you against these viruses that can leave you feeling awful and keep you from your daily activities.
Get active. Does your client like music, outside, or walks? Turn on the radio and dance, or go for a walk outside. Find ways daily to stay physically active. This will help your body stay strong. It will help form a protective barrier against viruses that can drain your body of energy. It can even leave you feeling stressed. Physical activity infuses our brains and body with endorphins that help us feel more relaxed and happier and that can help us manage our moods.
Caregiver's Compassion in Action
Going for Walks
Board games/Cards games
Attending Sporting events
Social activities
Spa Day (Rub lotion on hands)
As a caregiver, you have the unique opportunity to spend a large amount of time with those you care for. By making your visits entertaining, you'll start building a relationship with the person you are caring for and both of you will be happier.
The most Common Diagnoses
For Home care Services
This list briefly describes most of common diagnoses that you may need to learn about for yourself or a loved one. does not provide medical care, but we do focus on aiding the client and supporting third-party medical staff. We recommend that you get educated with more detail on these issues by reading from the renowned Mayo Clinic Website at just provide the diagnoses name in the search box to get more details.
25 most common diagnoses:
Back pain
Allergic rhinitis
Reflux esophagitis
Respiratory problems
Visual refractive errors
General medical exam
Fibromyalgia / myositis
Malaise and fatigue
Pain in joint
Acute laryngopharyngitis
Acute maxillary sinusitis
Major depressive disorder
Acute bronchitis
Depressive disorder
Nail fungus
Coronary atherosclerosis
Urinary tract infection